Do you use LPG Cylinders at work?
Storage of Gas Cylinders for use in Non-Domestic Installations (Non-Bulk)
Accidents involving gas cylinders can cause serious injury or even death. This Safety Alert provides simple practical advice on eliminating or reducing the risks associated with using gas cylinders.
Everyone using LPG gas cylinders at work should familiarise themselves with best practice; please consult with your gas supplier to ensure you have the most up date information available and consult Safety Data Sheets supplied.

Poorly stored Gas Cylinder
Risk Assessment
You must complete a written risk assessment on the hazards associated with the storage & use of such gas cylinders at your place of work. The risk assessment should list the hazards that may cause harm and detail the measures provided to ensure safety. Ensure you and your employees are properly trained to handle gas cylinders correctly and you have the appropriate storage in place.
Storage & Use of LPG Gas Cylinders
LPG Gas cylinders should be securely stored in a well-ventilated area, preferably outside.
You must store gas cylinders away from;
- Flammable and combustible material
- Sources of Ignition
- Unprotected electrical equipment
- Motor Vehicles
- Flammable liquids; Corrosive; Toxic or Oxidising materials
- Unconnected full or empty cylinders
Ventilation and Access:
- The storage area must be well ventilated, secure and accessible to relevant persons only
- The storage facility should be sited on a smooth, level surface, which is well drained and non-flammable.
- Do not allow any building development; storage of goods or activity that would restrict access to or restrict air circulation or ventilation of the area around the cylinder
- Regularly check LPG gas cylinders and storage area for signs of damage.
- Look for signs of corrosion on the cylinder and check hoses and seals for signs of cracking and deterioration.
- Have a certified safety inspection completed on the installation, at least annually, by a competent person and keep a record of the certificate.
Further Information
If you want to read more information about this topic the following documents may be of interest to you:
- BCGA Guidance for Storage of Gas Cylinders in the Workplace: click here
- Compressed Gas Cylinder Storage Guideline US Department of Energy Office of Science May 2013, click here
- Safe Under Pressure; How to work with, store and handle gas cylinders safety BOC 2012: click here
- EIGA : European Industrial Gases Association: click here
You may also find information on cylinder storage in the following Irish Standards available from the National Standards Authority of Ireland, click here to access website.
- I.S 3213 code of practice for the Storage of LPG Cylinders and Cartridges.
Aug 2014