Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, strongly emphasises the need to provide employees with instruction, information and training necessary to ensure their health and safety. Providing employees with health and safety information and training reduces the chance of them suffering injuries or ill health. It helps them acquire the skills, knowledge and attitude to make them competent in the safety and health aspects of their work and instils a positive health and safety culture.
Provide Information
The crew should be provided with information on:
- The hazards and risks within the workplace (i.e. the boat).
- The hazards and risks affecting specific tasks or operations carried out by the person.
- The control measures in place to minimse exposure to these risks.
- Information and instructions on the job to be carried out and how to work safely.
- Measures to be taken in an emergency.
Training means showing a person the correct method of doing a task and making sure that he or she can carry out the task correctly and safely. It can be formal, mandatory training such as the BIM 3 day Basic Safety Training Course or informal on the job training such as showing a person the correct method of doing a job, pointing out dangers and ensuring that the person understands and can do the job safely. All crew must be trained in safe work practices. This may include training in the safe use of equipment, safe work practices for the fishing method being used and any unique or unusual characteristics of the boat.
Work practices and the effectiveness of any training provided should be monitored. Where unsafe work practices are detected and safety, health and welfare measures are not being followed by any member of the crew, the work or activity should be stopped until corrective action has been taken and safety controls are fully complied with. New or young crew members may also require extra supervision.