Mobile Crushing and Sizing
Mobile crushers and sizers are designed to be transportable and compact, often different solutions are necessary to make them safe for use and to carry out maintenance operations to those employed on fixed plant. Return rollers are a potential nip point and these can be protected by covering the roller with a fixed guard, a mesh guard or by enclosing the conveyor. There is no ‘best’ solution’ whichever is used it must prevent access to moving parts and it must be designed and maintained so that it causes operational issues that encourage its removal. Return rollers guards must be easily refitted after maintenance operations otherwise they will be left off. Guidance on return idler roller guarding is available here |  |
Crusher inspection doors should be clearly signed and require a tool to be used to permit opening, ideally they should be fitted with a limit switch or interlock to prevent their operation when the door is open.
Jaw crushers should have a safety gate and warning signs ideally they should be fitted with a limit switch or interlock to prevent their operation when the door is open.
Conveyors should be provided with stop wires and emergency stop buttons must be located in prominent positions where they are required
Flywheels and drives should be covered and opening/removal should require a tool.
Hot surfaces such as exhaust pipes should be covered and adequate fire-fighting equipment should be provided
Any stairs, ladders and platforms should be suitable for use and well maintained
There should be a means to electrically isolate the mobile equipment from operation