Introduction for public consultation on new Code of Practice - Safe Industrial Truck Operation
This proposed new Code of Practice, entitled, Code of Practice - Safe Industrial Truck Operation is intended to replace the existing 2001 Code of Practice Rider-operated lift trucks: operator training but will also extend the scope of the Code of Practice to cover more than training. A new Code of Practice is necessary to reflect legislative progress and changes in the work practices, training, and qualification landscape since the time the original Code of Practice was introduced. The new Code of Practice is proposing to lay down a requirement that providers of training courses for the operators of counterbalance and reach industrial trucks have a QQI NFQ Level 6 Special Purpose Specification for Training and Development (QQI ref: 6S3372). the so called “train the trainer” award. These qualified trainers will be expected to deliver programmes that meet the specific requirements for course content and learning outcomes of the Level 5 awards for these types of industrial trucks as set out in the Code of Practice. The Code of Practice further proposes that these courses, and the requirements for training providers, can be used as the benchmark for training to be provided for operators of all other types of industrial trucks.
It is recognised that training alone, while being an important element and a requirement under the 2005 Act, is not sufficient to ensure the safe and sustainable operation of industrial trucks in a wide range of work environments and sectors. Some reports of adverse incidents involving industrial trucks reveal that the operator was adequately trained but that the incidents occurred because of a lack of provision of either a safe workplace, safe vehicle or safe operations or appropriate arrangements and supervision of forklift operations. It is now proposed that the new Code of Practice will address this by providing a framework to manage industrial truck operations in a more holistic, safe, and sustainable way by the provision of safe drivers/operators, safe vehicles, a safe workplace, and safe industrial truck operations.
The Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 states that, before submitting a code of practice to the Minister, the Health and Safety Authority may publish a draft of the code of practice for consultation (section 60(2)(b)). As part of the process of developing a new Code of Practice for the safe operation of industrial trucks, we are now seeking input from interested stakeholders through a public consultation and, accordingly, we would be grateful to receive your input, suggestions and views regarding any issues that you consider relate directly or indirectly to this topic and therefore should be incorporated in the Code of Practice.
The following areas may be used as prompts (these are suggested topics only, and should not limit your commentary):
- the extension of the scope of the Code of Practice to cover the use of all types of industrial trucks in a workplace using the Safe System approach involving the four areas of intervention, namely:
- Safe operators
- Safe vehicle
- Safe workplace, and
- Safe operations;
- the use of recognised QQI NFQ Level 5 courses and learning outcomes for training of operators of Reach and Counterbalance trucks, and as the benchmark for training on other types of industrial trucks for which a recognised course has not yet been developed;
- the basic expectation for course duration for novice trainees (32.5 hours), and the trainer:trainee ratio for training courses;
- the requirement for providers of training courses for the operators of counterbalance and reach industrial trucks have a QQI NFQ Level 6 Special Purpose Specification for Training and Development (QQI ref: 6S3372). the so called “train the trainer” award.
Your attention is drawn to the Health and Safety Authority’s consultation process.
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 08 January, 2024.