Guidance Document
The Health and Safety Authority has published a comprehensive guidance document on asbestos which includes the following:

- Information on types of asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in buildings.
- Health effects of asbestos and associated risks to different types of workers.
- Risk assessment of ACMs and use of various risk assessment algorithms.
- Various legislation applicable to asbestos in Ireland.
- Managing ACMs in workplaces and developing an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP)
- Protocol for Management Asbestos Surveys (MAS) and a Pre-refurbishment/demolition survey (RDAS).
- Bulk sampling and analysis.
- Training, instruction and information requirements.
- Personal Protective Equipment for working with asbestos and ACMs.
- Protocols for lower risk work with asbestos and ACMs
- Protocols for higher risk work with asbestos and ACMs.
- Contents of Plans of Work (method statements) for lower and higher risk asbestos work.
- Role of the Independent Analyst, Four stage Clearance procedure and Certificates of Reoccupation .
- Health surveillance and exposure registers.
- Notification requirements.
- Advice for management and disposal of asbestos and ACMs.
You can download a PDF copy of the asbestos guidelines here.
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