First Aid

Occupational First Aid ranges from the treatment of minor cuts to the treatment of life threatening injuries.
First Aid Legislation
There are specific requirements on Occupational First Aid made under S.I. No. 299/2007 - Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007.
The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has prepared Guidelines on First-Aid at Places of Work as part of the Guide to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations or take a look at our First Aid Frequently Asked Questions
First Aid Response (FAR)
The Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) First Aid Response (FAR) training standard is the recognised standard for occupational first aid in workplaces.
PHECC is the statutory regulator responsible for developing education and training standards for a suite of responder level courses such as Cardiac First Response (CFR) and First Aid Response (FAR). Recognised Institutions and Approved Training Institutions (RIs and ATIs) are authorised, by PHECC to deliver, examine and issue joint PHECC/institution course completion certificates to successful students. A list of RI/ATIs that are recognised by PHECC to deliver PHECC courses can be found here (search by course name - First Aid Response).
Alternatively an employer can utilise an individual FAR instructor. As PHECC do not have a register/list of individual FAR instructors, the employer should establish from the individual instructor which ATI they are affiliated to.
Training Length
- The initial FAR training is based on a 3 day (18 hour) classroom course. This training and certification is valid for 2 years.
- Recertification training is based on a 2 day (12 hour) classroom course. Normally, individuals who recertify within 30 days of the expiry of their responder level certificate can undertake this shorter re-certification course. See here for further information.
- Blended learning is available. This reduces the classroom training to 2 days for the initial training and to 1 day for the recertification training. Search here for institutions offering courses delivered by blended learning.
The instructor/learner ratio for courses is 1:8 maximum.
Individuals wishing to become FAR instructors should familiarise themselves with FAR instructor requirements on the PHECC website.