Land Use Planning

Role of the HSA in Land-use Planning (LUP)
The Seveso Directive requires controls to be in place on developments at qualifying establishments and in the vicinity. The planning & development regulations implement this aspect of the Directive. The HSA (as Central Competent Authority) is required to provide technical advice to the planning authorities, either on a case-by-case basis or generically. Advice provided to the planning authority should be available from them on application, and in many cases is on their websites. Planning decisions rest with planning authorities.
Consultation Distance
On being notified of the existence of an establishment, the Authority formally writes to the relevant planning authority, advising them of a consultation distance for the establishment. Planning authorities are required to seek technical advice on developments within the consultation zone.
A consultation distance (CD) is a distance around an establishment, within which there are potentially significant consequences from major accidents to people (or to the environment).
For the purpose of providing generic advice, the Authority defines three risk zones around an establishment:

Four development types have been identified to create an Individual Risk Matrix for LUP advice around establishments:

Societal Risk
For some types of development, particularly those involving large numbers of people, it is likely that the deciding factor from the point of view of land-use planning is the societal risk, i.e. the risk of large numbers of people being affected in a single accident. In some situations a societal risk assessment will be necessary.
Request for technical advice
When a planning body issue a notice to the HSA requesting technical advice relating to proposed development on or in the vicinity of an establishment, the Request to the HSA for TLUP advice form can be used to provide relevant details of the notice.
HSA approach to Land Use Planning
Full details of the HSA's approach to Land Use Planning and the Guidance Document is available here.