Chemical Agents Code of Practice 2020

This Code of Practice is effective from January 17th 2020 and replaces the 2018 Code of Practice for the Chemical Agents Regulations. The 2020 Code of Practice has been re-structured to support both the Chemical Agents and Carcinogens Regulations, as amended. Schedule 1 now contains a list of all EU Commission derived occupational exposures limit values (OELVs) and includes new Binding OELVs from three recent amendments of the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive. Schedule 2 contains a list of Advisory OELVs derived from non-EU sources. Schedule 3 lists intended changes, (including the 5th Indicative OELV list). Schedule 4 lists carcinogenic substances, mixtures and processes and Schedule 5 contains the CAS number index.

COP superseded – check for latest version

Year : 2020