Lifts installed by Ellickson Engineering Ltd*
*Note: The Health and Safety Authority has been advised that Kilell Limited, currently trading as Ellickson Engineering, has no affiliation with the aforementioned company Ellickson Engineering Limited
This Safety Alert replaces the previously issued 2019 Safety Alert; “Passenger Lifts installed by Ellickson Engineering Ltd”, which has been withdrawn.
CE Mark 490
The Health and Safety Authority (The Authority) wishes to again alert owners/operators of lifts installed by Ellickson Engineering Ltd (no longer trading and currently in receivership since 2011), to carry out checks to ensure such lifts have been installed as required under the relevant legislation i.e. European Communities Lifts Regulations 1998 to 2008 or, as appropriate, to the European Communities (Machinery) Regulations 2008. As previously advised in 2017, the Authority wishes to reiterate to all lift owners and other interested parties that passenger lifts marked with the number 490 following the CE mark (as illustrated below), may not have been designed and / or installed in compliance with the relevant legislation, as the number 490 is not a valid notified body number.
All Lifts installed by Ellickson Engineering Ltd
The Health and Safety Authority strongly recommends that owners / operators of all lifts installed by Ellickson Engineering Ltd should take the following actions:
- Engage the services of a suitably qualified engineer, and where necessary a notified body# to check if the lift installation complies with the requirements of the European Communities Lifts Regulations 1998 to 2008 or, as appropriate, to the European Communities (Machinery) Regulations 2008. In addition, the competent person should confirm whether the lift is safe to remain in continued operation.
- Should it become evident that the installation is not in compliance with the relevant legislative requirements referenced above, duty holders such as owners / operators should ensure that the lift is brought into compliance by engaging a competent lift installer and a relevant notified body.
- If full compliance with the legislation cannot be achieved, a programme should be put in place to replace the lift with a new installation as soon as practicable, or the owner / operator may take the lift out of service.
- In any event, if abnormalities or defects are detected during the checks on the lift, which in the opinion of the competent person preclude its continued safe use, the lift should be immediately removed from service until all necessary remedial works have been completed and the lift has been brought into compliance with all relevant legislative requirements.
- The Authority is also advising any economic operators, such as lift installation, maintenance or surveying companies / engineers etc., if they become aware of lifts with the CE490 marking, or lifts installed by Ellickson Engineering Ltd which are of concern, to bring this alert to the attention of the lift owner / operator and to immediately inform the Health and Safety Authority at:
Workplace Contact Unit
Health and Safety Authority
Metropolitan Building
James Joyce Street
Dublin 1 D01 K0Y8
LoCall: 1890 289 389 (Monday to Friday, 0900 to 15.00)
Information Note: EU Directive 2014/33/EU on the harmonisation of laws of the Member States relating to lifts and safety components for lifts, repealed the previous Directive 95/16/EC on the 20 April 2016 and is currently applicable to all lifts within its scope, which are placed on the European Union market. The European Communities (Lifts and Safety Components for Lifts) Regulations 2017 [S.I. No. 232 of 2017] has given effect to Directive 2014/33/EU in national legislation.
# Relevant Notified Bodies can be found at the following link Nando EU
* Note: The Health and Safety Authority has been advised that Kilell Limited, currently trading as Ellickson Engineering, has no affiliation with the aforementioned company Ellickson Engineering Limited.