Manual Handling Case Study Office Ergonomics
On Screen Text: Officer worker carrying out tasks at a computer workstation
Scene 1:
Character sitting at an untidy desk with different hazards visible. These hazards include poor lighting, lack of an adjustable seat, lack of knee clearance under the desk due to storage of boxes under the desk, monitor height set too low, and the phone is locate at another desk behind the character. The character is unable to maintain a good posture and is slouched over the desk and is unable to get close to monitor. The phone starts to ring and the character leans over the side of his chair to answer.
On Screen Text:
The employer needs to complete a risk assessment of the workstation:
- Assessor goes to employee workstation with assessment form
- Assessor observes work practices and completes assessment
- Records findings and identifies follow up actions
- Copy of completed assessment form given to the employee
Scene 2:
Risk Factors / Problems:
A clipboard comes into view on screen and the hazards are listed on the clipboard as follows:
- Monitor too high
- Non adjustable seat
- Inadequate space to find comfortable position
- No document holder
- Inadequate lighting conditions
Scene 3:
Improved Computer Workstation Layout
Still image of character sitting at new workstation. Large Green tick marks indicate the changes in the improved computer workstation layout:
- Monitor in correct position
- Document holder provider
- Telephone close to user
- Knee clearance and footrest provided
- Improved lighting
- Posture awareness
- Adjustable seat
Summary of the Main Display Screen Equipment Regulation Requirements:
- Employer to ensure individual workstations are assessed
- Employer to implement any changes resulting from assessments
- Employer to make available eye and eyesight test
On Screen Text:
Display Screen Equipment: Assess to avoid, reduce or reorganise