ECHA provides new support pages for industry on obligations for hazardous mixtures
ECHAs Poison Centres website has been revamped with new support pages providing stepwise help for industry on how to prepare and submit information on hazardous mixtures.
The redesigned pages offer support to importers and downstream users placing hazardous mixtures on the market to help them provide specific information on their mixtures and comply with their obligations under Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation.
The pages inform about deadlines for submission, which kind of mixtures need to be submitted, the required information such as the chemical composition, toxicological information and product category. They also have information on the new elements in the product label, and how to generate the unique formula identifiers (UFIs). Additionally, the pages offer suggestions on how to prepare your company data and to make your submission.
ECHA is also developing a new portal for industry that will be available at the beginning of 2019. The Poison Centres Notification (PCN) portal will be used by industry to prepare and submit information on hazardous mixtures centrally even if it has to be submitted to different Member States.
The information submitted by industry will be used by the poison centres to help instruct callers on giving an emergency health response. All notifications will use the published harmonised PCN format that is also compatible with IUCLID 6, which means that PCN data can take full advantage of the capabilities offered by the IUCLID platform.
Other features of the portal include multilingual support that will be gradually implemented. The aim is to allow companies to submit a single submission file in their preferred language to multiple appointed bodies.
An in brief publication with more detailed information on the portal has also been made available.
A poison centre provides medical advice to citizens and healthcare professionals on health emergencies arising from exposure to hazardous chemicals or to other toxic agents, such as medicines, plants, bites and stings. Poison centres in the EU answer calls for support daily and around the clock.
Under the CLP Regulation, companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market have to provide information about these mixtures to the relevant national appointed bodies. Appointed bodies make this information available to poison centres so that they can provide rapid medical advice in the event of an emergency.