Health and Social Care Advisory Committee

The Health and Social Care Advisory Committee (HSCAC) is an advisory committee to the Board of the Health and Safety Authority. The Health and Social Care Advisory Committee has been established to provide a forum for key stakeholders to advise and support the Authority in promoting best practice in occupational health and safety in the sector.
Members of the Health and Social Care Advisory Committee
Co-Chairperson Mr. David Hughes, Health & Safety Authority Board member
Co-Chairperson Mr. Terry O’Niadh, Health & Safety Authority Board member
Health Service Executive
Voluntary Hospital Forum
Nursing Homes Ireland
Social Care Ireland
The State Claims Agency
Health Information and Quality Authority
Mental Health Commission
The Irish Nurses and Midwifery Board (INMO)
Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)
Service Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU)
Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation
Health and Safety Authority
Roles and Responsibilities
- To act as a consultative and advisory forum to the Authority for the Health and Social Care Sector.
- To assist the Authority in identifying examples of best practice in occupational health and safety in the sector.
- To identify and advise the Authority on current and emerging matters, relating to improving safety, health and welfare in the Health and Social Care sector.
- To co-ordinate the work delivery of an agreed workplan to promote best practice in occupational health and safety in the Health and Social Care sector, by the representative organisations.
- To support the Authority in the development and promotion of guidance on specific occupational health and safety topics relevant to the sector. Relevant guidance developed will be subject to the formal processes of the Authority prior to publication.
- To provide a summary to the Board of the Authority on the activities and recommendations of the Committee at its scheduled meetings.
- Undertake such other appropriate tasks and functions as may from time to time, be assigned to the Advisory Committee by the Board of the Authority.