Routinely Available Information

The Authority currently makes information routinely available to the public in relation to its function and activities.  Such information will continue to be available informally without the need to use the FOI Acts. 

The Authority operates a Contact Centre which is a helpdesk resource for employers, employees and general members of the public.  It is the primary point of contact for our customers for a range of topics including:

  • reporting workplace fatalities and serious incidents;
  • complaints relating to workplaces;
  • obtaining health and safety information;
  • notifying the Authority of accidents or incidents through IR1 and IR3 forms;
  • notifying the Authority of construction work through AF2 forms; and
  • ordering health and safety publications.

The Contact Centre can be contacted through the Authority’s Lo-call number 0818 289 389 (Monday – Friday 9am to 12:30pm), by email, or by writing to HSA Contact Centre, Health and Safety Authority, Metropolitan Building, James Joyce Street, Dublin 1.

Through our website the Authority provides access to all publicly available information including legislation and guidance, enforcement procedures, accident notification procedures, press releases and career opportunities and vacancies.

The Authority has a wide range of publications available to download or to request in print.  These include:

  • guidance material on various statutory instruments,
  • codes of practice,
  • annual reports,
  • annual work programmes,
  • newsletters and
  • information sheets and booklets.

These are available from our website or through our Lo-call number 0818 289 389.  Most of our publications are available to download free of charge.

The FOI Acts are designed to allow public access to information held by public bodies which is NOT routinely available through other sources.  Access to information under the Acts is subject to certain exemptions and involves specific procedures and time limits.  This reference book provides a guide to the structure of the Authority so as to help you access information under the FOI Acts.